As Senior Vice President within Discovery Sciences, R&澳门在线赌城娱乐的博士, I lead a global team of scientists applying leading science and technology to create reagents, assays and disease models to discover new targets and medicines. In addition to expanding our target and drug discovery capabilities in-house, I am responsible for connecting with the right partners and collaborations to advance innovative early science programmes. A recent example is the creation of the 剑桥 COVID-19 Test Centre in partnership with the University of 剑桥 and GlaxoSmithKline for increasing the UK’s PCR-based diagnostic testing capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic. A second example is the creation of the AstraZeneca strategy for 功能基因组学 in which I have created a leading internal technology platform while collaborating with Cancer 研究 UK to create the Functional Genomics Centre at the Milner Institute in 剑桥, UK.

以前, I led the Screening Sciences and Sample Management department, specialising in compound management, high throughput screening and lead optimisation biology. I am especially interested in applying laboratory automation and novel biology technologies to identify new molecules for drug discovery projects. With over two decades at GlaxoSmithKline in various roles prior to joining AstraZeneca in 2011, I have been a part of multiple international collaborations and external partnerships focusing on early scientific and R&D项目.

Being actively involved with the research community, I am passionate about the creation of networking, educational and mentoring opportunities for scientists engaged in drug discovery research. I have served in many roles at the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening including as a Board member, I have served as Chair of the European Laboratory 研究 and Innovation Group (ELRIG) from 2016 to 2020 and am an Industry Trustee of the British Pharmaceutical Society Council. I firmly believe that the best ideas happen through collaboration.

I am also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for EU-OPENSCREEN, the Centre for Membrane Protein Receptor 研究 at the Universities of Birmingham and Nottingham, and The Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives 研究 (WCAIR) at the University of Dundee.

The most exciting aspect of my role in Discovery Sciences is bringing together deep technical expertise and cutting-edge specialist technologies from across the field to support the delivery of novel therapeutic targets to the early AstraZeneca pipeline.

史蒂夫•里斯 高级副总裁,发现科学,R&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐




Elected member of British Pharmacological Society Council


Member of Scientific Advisory Board for EU-OPENSCREEN


Appointed VP, Discovery Biology, Discovery Sciences, R&D


Impact of a five-dimensional framework on R&澳门在线赌城娱乐的D生产力.

Morgan P, Brown DG, Lennard S, 里斯年代 et al. Impact of a five-dimensional framework on R&澳门在线赌城娱乐的D生产力. Nat Rev药物发现. 2018;17(3):167-181. doi: 10.1038 /”.2017.244.

Towards a hit for every target.

里斯年代, Gribbon P, Birmingham K, Janzen WP, Pairaudeau G. Towards a hit for every target. Nat Rev药物发现. 2016;15(1):1-2. doi: 10.1038 /”.2015.19

The promise of open innovation in drug discovery: an industry perspective.

里斯年代. The promise of open innovation in drug discovery: an industry perspective. 未来医学化学. 2015;7(14):1835-1838. doi: 10.4155 /融合.15.125

http://www.未来科学.com/doi/10.4155 /融合.15.125?url_ver = Z39.88-2003&干旱的% 3 acrossref rfr_id = ori % rfr_dat = cr_pub + + 0&